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3 класс поурочные планы
Урок . In my room!
Цели: учить называть предметы, находящиеся в комнате, говорить, какого они цвета и кому принадлежат; познакомить с указательными местоимениями во множественном числе; развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма.
Оборудование: плакат In ту room! картинки (computer, TV, radio, armchair, lamp, bed, desk, chair); карточки с названиями игрушек из предыдущих уроков.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
— Hello, children! (Hello!)
— How are you? (Fine, thanks.)
I think we can start.
II. Фонетическая разминка
— Let’s say our tongue-twisters.
1) Rose, close your book and go home.
2) Bob, put the dog and the frog into the toy box.
— Say it as quickly as you can.
III. Постановка целей урока
Today you’ll learn and talk about things in the room. Then you’ll read and learn how to write about your room.
IV. Работа по теме урока
1. Ведение новой лексики
(На доске картинки (computer, TV, armchair, desk).)
Look! This is a computer.
2. Работа по учебнику
Упр. 1 (с. 62).
Open your books at page 62.
- What’s this? {A computer.) И т. д.
- Listen to the song, please.
- Read the red words, please.
- Let’s sing the song together.
Упр. 2 (с. 62).
3. Знакомство с местоимениями these и those
These are my pens.
Those are my books.
These are my pencils. Those are your bags. These are my toys. Those are your books.
4. Работа по учебнику Упр. 3 (с. 62).
V. Динамическая пауза
- Let’s have a break. Listen to me and do the same.
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill. (Pointfingers up.)
One named Jack. (One hand forward.)
One named Jill. (Other hand.)
Fly away, Jack. (One hand behind back.)
Fly away, Jill. (Other hand.)
Come back, Jack. (Return one hand.)
Come back, Jill. (Return other hand.)
VI. Продолжение работы по теме урока
1. Работа по учебнику Упр. 4 (с. 63).
- Look! These are playrooms. A playroom is a room where you can play. Read the text and say which playroom is Donna and Danny’s one.
- What colour’s Danny’s rocking horse? (It's brown and white.)
- What colour’s Donna’s tea set? (It’s red.)
What colour’s Danny’s chair? (It’spink.)
What colour’s Danny’s chair? (It’s blue.)
What does the radio look like? (It looks like a yellow mouse.)
2. Подготовка к написанию рассказа о комнате
(Учитель читает задание упр. 5 (учебник, с. 63) и дает необхо-димые пояснения.)
You’ll draw your room and write about it at homeWhat will you write about your room?
(Если позволяет время, учитель предлагает детям дополни-тельный материал из раздела Further Writing Practice.)
3. Работа по учебнику
С. 160.
Open your books at page 160.
Упр. I (с. 160).
VII. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания
Open your workbooks at page 32, please.
What things can you see?
Put up your hands if everything is clear.
Учебник: упр. 5 (с. 63); рабочая тетрадь: упр. 1, 2 (с. 32).)
VIII. Подведение итогов урока
- Can you talk about things near and far from you?
- Do you know how to write about your room?
— We’ll have to stop there. Goodbye! (Goodbye

Урок . In my room!
Fun at school. Arthur & Rascal
Цели: закрепить грамматические и лексические структуры предыдущего урока; познакомить с названиями некоторых извест-ных английских сказок; развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма.
Оборудование: картинки с изображением предметов интерьера. Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Hello, children! (Hello!)
— How are you? (Fine, thanks.)
II. Фонетическая разминка
— Let’s say our tongue-twisters.
1) Rose, close your book and go home.
2) Bob, put the dog and the frog into the toy box.
— Say it as quickly as you can.
III. Постановка целей урока
Today we have a lot of work to do. We’re going to listen and sing a new song. Then we’ll talk about fairy tales. After that we’ll read about Arthur and Rascal.
IV. Работа по теме урока Работа по учебнику Упр. 1 (с. 64).
- Open your books at page 64.
Look!These are aliens. They want to know more about things on our planet. Read what they ask and the children’s answers.
Упр. 2 (с. 160).
. 2 в разделе further Writing Practice.)
Упр. 2 (с. 64).
What toys have you got in your playroom?
We’re going to listen to a lullaby. A lullaby is a song that mothers sing to their babies for sleeping.
- What toys can you see?

Which toys are mentioned in the song? Какие из этих игрушек упоминаются в песенке?
Read the text of the song after me.
Let’s sing the song together.
V. Динамическая пауза
VI. Продолжение работы по теме урока
I )о you like fairy tales?
— What fairy tales do you like?
— What fairy tale did you read last year? (The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.)
Упр. 3 (c. 65).
— Look at the book covers on page 65, please. Let’s read the names of fairy tales and match them to the books.
Keys: 1с, 2d, ЗЬ, 4а.)
Упр. 4 (с. 65).
Keys: Little Red Riding Hood.
— Then she saw the little baby bed. “Oh, oh,” she cried. “This is just right.” {Goldilocks and the Three Bears.)
— Look at my living room! Look at my chair! And look at the table over there! {The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.)
— Once upon a time there was a Queen who had a beautiful baby daughter. {Sleeping Beauty.)
VII. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания
Упр. 5 (учебник, с. 65).)
Open your workbooks at page 33, please.
— Put up your hands if everything is clear.
Учебник: упр. 5 (с. 65); рабочая тетрадь: упр. 3, 4 (с. 33).)
VIII. Чтение комиксов »Arthur & Rascal»
(I In доске записаны предложения.)
1) is a little puppy.
2) ... likes to play tricks on the dogs.
1)... is a big dog.
Fill in the characters’ names, please.
(Keys: 1) Rascal; 2) Tricksy; 3) Arthur.)
Open your books at page 72.
Нс careful! — Будь осторожен!
silly — глупый
naughty — непослушный
- Does Rascal like his new toy? (Yes, he does.)
Do you like episode 3?
IX. Подведение итогов урока
It’s time to stop now. Goodbye! (Goodbye!)
источник: УМК Дули
Категория: Методические материалы | Добавил: КутуеваДЗ (22.01.2018)
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