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Контрольно-измерительные материалы. 7 класc. Английский язык к УМК М.З. Биболетовой и др.
Test 12. How many languages can you speak?
Variant 1

Al. Mark the word with the sound [ dз]. (Отметьте слово со звуком[ dз].)
1) foreign 3) enough
2) advantage 4) guess
А2. Mark the right translation of the noun политика. (От¬метьте правильный перевод существительного политика.)
1) police 3) politics
2) politicians 4) political
A3. Choose the right item for the word combination 2008year.
(Выберите правильный вариант для словосочетания
2008 год.)
1) two oh oh eight
2) two thousand and eight
3) twenty thousand eight
4) twenty and eight
A4. Find the wrong sentence. (Найдите неправильное пред¬ложение.)
1) He enjoys speaking English.
2) They don't mind opening the window.
3) The book is worth to read.
4) This girl hates drinking hot tea.
Bl. Add -ation, -ment., -ity, -ing to make up nouns. (Составьте существительные из слов, добавив -ation, -ment, -ity, -ing.)
1) develop
2) feel
3) inform
4) real
Cl. Complete the questions. (Составьте вопросы.)
1) How big
2) have you made progress in English?
3) How long
is the mountain?

Test 12. How many languages can you speak?
Variant 2

Al. Mark the word with the sound [n]. (Отметьте слово со звуком [n]).
1) learning З) enough
2) foreign 4) guess
A2. Mark the right translation of the noun политик. (Отметь¬те правильный перевод существительного политик.)
1) political 3) politics
2) politician 4) police
A3. Choose the right item for the word combination 1812year. (Выберите правильный вариант для словосочетания 1812 год.)
1) eighteen twelve
2) one thousand eight hundred twelve
3) eighteen hundred twelve
4) one eight one two
A4. Find the wrong sentence. (Найдите неправильное пред¬ложение.)
1) He practises to speak English.
2) They don't mind opening the window.
3) The book is worth reading.
4) This girl succeeded in winning competitions.
Bl. Add -ition, -ment, -y, -ing to make up nouns. (Составьте существительные из слов, добавив -ition, -ment, -у, -ing.)
1) state
2) cross
3) compete
4) honest
Cl. Complete the questions. (Составьте вопросы.)
1) is you new flat?
2) How far
3) did it take you to do homework?
4) How high

Test 13. Round-the-world tour
Variant 1

Al. Mark the word with the sound [dз]. (Отметьте слово
сo звуком[dз]. .)
1) foreign 3) enough
2) guess 4) legend
A2. Mark the item where we can't use the definite article the.
(Отметьте вариант, в котором мы не можем употребить
определенный артикль the.)
1) Netherlands 3) Thames
2) Indian ocean 4) Portugal
A3. Choose the item with the Future Simple. (Выберите ва¬риант с Future Simple.)
1) A lot of houses were built last year.
2) The information can be stored.
3) New opportunities will be offered.
4) On some trains there are special study clubs.
A4. Mark the wrong sentence. (Отметьте неправильное
1) English is spoken everywhere.
2) The window was closed.
3) The book was reading last year.
4) This girl will be offered hot milk.
Bl. Transform the sentences using the Passive Voice. (Перестройте предложения, используя пассивный залог.)
1) Tom gave a lot of flowers.
2) She writes letters every week.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
has / brothers / Mary / nor / sisters / neither

Test 13. Round-the-world tour
Variant 2

Al. Mark the word with the sound [dз].. (Отметьте слово со звуком[dз].)
1) magic 3) against
2) sign 4) foreign
A2. Mark the item where we can't use the definite article the.
(Отметьте вариант, в котором мы не можем употребить
определенный артикль the.)
1) Niagara River 3) Asia
2) Atlantic ocean 4) UK
A3. Choose the item with the Past Simple. (Выберите вариант с Past Simple.)
1) A lot of houses will be built next year.
2) The information could be stored.
3) New opportunities are offered.
4) Lots of teenagers drive to school.
А4. Mark the wrong sentence. (Отметьте неправильное
1) Turkish isn't spoken everywhere.
2) The door was opened.
3) The letter is written.
4) This girl will be inviting.
Bl. Transform the sentences using the Passive Voice. (Пере¬стройте предложения, используя пассивный залог.)
1) Tom will give a lot of flowers.
2) She sells books every day.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
living / the / different / in / UK / peoples / languages / speak

Test 14. Looking at teenage problems
Variant 1

Al. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите со¬ответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) frightened а. злой
2) angry b. испуганный
3) sad с. расстроенный
4) upset d. грустный
А2. Choose the necessary word. (Выберите нужное слово.) Mary has lost her dog. That's why she looks ....
1) sadly 3) sadness
2) sad 4)sadden
A3. Mark the word with negative meaning. (Отметьте слово с негативным значением.)
1) energetic
2) lucky
3) depressed
4) glad
А4. Choose the correct form of the verb. (Выберите правиль¬ную форму глагола.)
The story ... by Sandra last week.
1) was writing
2) wrote
3) is written
4) was written
Bl. Fill in prepositions with, in, by, on where it is necessary. (Вставьте предлоги with, in, by, on, где это необходимо.)
1) to travel train
2) to travel foot
3) to argue parents
4) to be trouble
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.) her / along / can't / sister / she / get / with

Test 14. Looking at teenage problems
Variant 2

Al. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите со¬ответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) honest а. способный
2) able b. честный
3) depressed с. удивленный
4) surprised d. подавленный
А2. Choose the necessary word. (Выберите нужное слово.) Mary has fallen ill. That's why she feels ... .
1)good 3) bad
2) well 4) badly
A3. Mark the word with negative meaning. (Отметьте слово
с негативным значением.)
1) strong
2) smart
4) tired
А4. Choose the correct form of the verb. (Выберите правиль¬ную форму глагола.) Flowers ... every day.
1) water
2) are watered
3) are watering
4) be watered
Bl. Fill in prepositions with, in, by, on where it is necessary. (Вставьте предлоги with, in, by, on, где это необходимо.)
1) to argue grandfather
2) to travel foot
3) to be trouble
4) to travel plane
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.) in / is / schools / English / lots / taught / of

Test 15. On the way to school
Variant 1

Al. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите со¬ответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) easy-going а. умный
2) smart b. добродушный
3) boring с. искусный
4) skilled d. скучный
А2. Choose the necessary word. (Выберите нужное слово.)
The weather is hot. That's why Mary feels....
1) hungry 3) strong
2) thirsty 4) happily
A3. Mark the right answer. (Отметьте правильный ответ.)
Excuse me! Could you help me, please?
1) Yes, it is.
2) Yes, I do.
3) Pleased to meet you.
4) OK. No problem.
A4. Choose the correct form of the verb. (Выберите правиль¬ную форму глагола.) The dog... everyday.
1) is fed 3) feed
2) is feeding 4) feeding
Bl. Fill in prepositions along, around, across, at where it is necessary. (Вставьте предлоги along, around, across, at, где это необходимо.)
1) There are a lot of trees the street.
2) The little kitten ran the road.
3) All cars stopped the traffic lights.
the monument.
4) The tourists walked.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
school / hour / takes / it / an / him / to / usually / to / half/get

Test 15. On the way to school
Variant 2

Al. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите со¬ответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) stupid а. умный
2) smart b. глупый
3) strict с. искусный
4) skilled d. строгий
А2. Choose the necessary word. (Выберите нужное слово.) Mary has lost the key. That's why she looks ....
1) happy 3) depressed
2) unhappily 4) shy
A3. Mark the right answer. (Отметьте правильный ответ.) Excuse me! Could you help me, please?
1) Yes, it is.
2) No, I don't.
3) Pleased to meet you.
4) I am afraid I can't.
A4. Choose the correct form of the verb. (Выберите правиль¬ную форму глагола.)
The room ... by Sandra next week.
1) cleaned 3) will be cleaned
2) was cleaned 4) will clean
Bl. Fill in prepositions along, around, across, at where it is necessary. (Вставьте предлоги along, around, across, at, где это необходимо.)
1) The students walked the monument.
2) All cars stopped the traffic lights.
3) The little puppy ran the road.
4) There are a lot of flowers the street.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
her / homework / do / will / hour / take / it / an / to

Test 16. School is fun if you are optimistic
Variant 1

Al. Mark the word with the sound [i:]. (Отметьте слово со звуком [i:].)
1) teenager
2) instead
3) really
4) head
A2. Find the unnecessary word. (Найдите лишнее слово.)
l)need З) should
2) must 4) do
A3. Choose the item with should. (Выберите вариант с should.)
1) You ... go to school on time.
2) You ... wash your hands before eating.
3) You ... get ready for your test on literature.
4) You ... wear a uniform at school.
A4. Choose the right item. (Выберите правильный вариант.) I met our guests an hour ago. So you ... go to the airport.
1) should
2) must
3) needn't
4) mustn't
Bl. Underline the appropriate preposition. (Подчеркните подходящий предлог.)
1) Teenagers often argue (with / about) parents.
2) Teenagers often argue (over / up) their rights.
3) Teenagers often get (onto / into) troubles.
4) Teenagers trouble (to / about) pocket money.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
clean / to / will / it / hour / take / our / us / an / half / room

Test 16. School is fun if you are optimistic
Variant 2

Al. Mark the word with the sound [e] (Отметьте слово со звуком [е].)
1) leader
2) mean
3) dead
4) neat
A2. Find the unnecessary word. (Найдите лишнее слово.)
l)do З) should
2) must 4) have to
A3. Choose the item with have to. (Выберите вариант с have to.)
1) You ... wear a uniform at school.
2) You ... wash your hands before eating.
3) You ... water flower every day.
4) You ... come and see us more often.
A4. Choose the right item. (Выберите правильный ответ.)
I told Andrew everything. So you ... phone him.
1) should
2) must
3) needn't
4) mustn't
Bl. Underline the appropriate preposition. (Подчеркните подходящий предлог.)
1) Teenagers trouble (to / about) pocket money.
2) Teenagers often get (onto / into) troubles.
3) Teenagers often argue (with / about) parents.
4) Teenagers often argue (over / up) their rights.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
do / to / а / it / hour / took / our / us / an / half / homework / and

Test 17. What do you know about school life in English-speaking countries?
Variant 1

Al. Mark the second syllable word. (Отметьте слово, в кото¬ром второй слог ударный.)
1) history
2) chemistry
3) English
4) education
А2. Mark the right translation of the verb топтать. (Отметьте правильный перевод глагола топтать.)
1) to tread
2) to trouble
3) to throw
4) to treat
A3. Mark the adjective in comparative form. (Отметьте при¬лагательное в сравнительной степени.) "2 1) successful Ц 2) largest
3) happily
4) more independent
A4. Choose the right item. (Выберите правильный вариант.) The baby is sleeping now. Please be ....
1) quick
2) quite
3) quiet
4) quickly
Bl. Underline the necessary verb. (Подчеркните нужный глагол.)
Students (learn / study) different subjects at school. Cl. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)
your / us / can / for / arguments / you / and / tell / against / plane / travelling / by?

Test 17. What do you know about school life in English-speaking countries?
Variant 2

Al. Mark the second syllable word. (Отметьте слово, в кото¬ром второй слог ударный.)
I) drama
2) English
3) chemistry
4) biology
A2. Mark the right translation of the word combination плата за проезд. (Отметьте правильный перевод словосочетания плата за проезд.)
1) fair
2) fairy
3) fare
4) fire
A3. Mark the adjective in comparative form. (Отметьте при¬лагательное в сравнительной степени.)
1) successful
2) largest
3) happily
4) smarter
A4. Choose the right item. (Выберите правильный вариант.) Jane has twelve children. Her family is ... big.
1) quick
2) quite
3) quiet
4) quickly
Bl. Underline the necessary verb. (Подчеркните нужный глагол.)
Students (learn / study) a lot of poems at school.
Cl. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)
your / him / can / for / arguments / you / and / tell / against / uniforms / wearing?

Test 18. Would you like to attend a private school?
Variant 1

Al. Find the unnecessary word. (Найдите лишнее слово.)
1) your 3) our
2) theirs 4) my
A2. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите со¬ответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) remote а. опыт
2) far b. отдаленный
3) own с. далекий
4) experience d. собственный
A3. Mark the right translation of the word combination ан¬глийская частная школа. (Отметьте правильный перевод словосочетания английская частная школа.)
1) far away school
2) public school
3) school through the mailbox
4) private education
A4. Mark the right definition for compulsory education. (От¬метьте правильное определение словосочетания compulsory education.)
1) education for all children
2) secondary education
3) higher education
4) self-education
Bl. Write possessive pronouns. (Напишите притяжательные местоимения.)
1) These bikes belong to us. They are bikes.
2) The cat belongs to me. It is .
3) The flowers belong to her. They are.
4) The book belongs to him. It is
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
the / towns / are / there / on / inland / continent / many

Test 18. Would you like to attend a private school?
Variant 2

Al. Find the unnecessary word. (Найдите лишнее слово.)
1)my З) yours
2) our 4) their
A2. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите со¬ответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) experience а. собственный
2) far b. отдаленный
3) own с. далекий
4) remote d. опыт
A3. Mark the right translation of the word combination част¬ная школа. (Отметьте правильный перевод словосочетания частная школа.)
1) school through the mailbox
2) private education
3) private school
4) far away school
A4. Mark the right definition for high quality. (Отметьте пра¬вильное определение словосочетания high quality).
1) compulsory education
2) secondary education
3) education of high standard
4) self-education
Bl. Write possessive pronouns. (Напишите притяжательные местоимения.)
1) These cars belong to them. They are cars.
2) The cat belongs to you. It is .
3) The flowers belong to us. They are _
4) The books belong to him. They are.
Cl. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)
the / towns / are / many / there / on / remote / inland / continent?

Test 19. Using the Passive Voice
Variant 1

Al. Match subject and object pronouns. (Соедините место¬имения в именительном и объектном падежах.)
1) I a. us
2) he b. him
3) they с. me
4) we d. them
A2. Choose the necessary verb. (Выберите нужный глагол.) The music is loud. I... the words that you are saying.
1) couldn't hear 3) couldn't listen to
2) can't hear 4) can't listen to
A3. Choose the item with the preposition after. (Выберите
вариант с предлогом after.)
1) You should look ... your pet.
2) He looked ... the key everywhere.
3) You should rely ... your knowledge.
4) You should explain ... them the rule.
A4. Mark the wrong sentence. (Отметьте неправильное
1) German is spoken everywhere.
2) The door was closed.
3) The book read last year.
4) This girl will be sent for.
Bl. Transform the sentences using the Passive Voice. (Пере¬стройте предложения, используя пассивный залог.) 1) Tom will take care of flowers.

Test 19. Using the Passive Voice
Variant 2

Al. Match subject and object pronouns. (Соедините место¬имения в именительном и объектном падежах.)
1) you a. us
2) she b. her
3) they с. you
4) we d. them
A2. Choose the necessary verb. (Выберите нужный глагол.)
It was quiet and he ... all the sounds.
1) can hear 3) can listen to
2) could hear 4) could listen to
A3. Choose the item with the preposition for. (Выберите ва¬риант с предлогом for)
1) You should explain... them the rule.
2) You should look... your pet.
3) You should rely ... your knowledge. 4) He looked ... the key everywhere.
A4. Mark the wrong sentence. (Отметьте неправильное
1) She is spoken about everywhere.
2) The door painted yesterday.
3) The book was sold last year.
4) This girl will be sent for.
Bl. Transform the sentences using the Passive Voice. (Пере¬стройте предложения, используя пассивный залог.) 1) Не will pay for flowers.

2) She laughed at him loudly.

2) She took care of the dog carefully.

Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.) house / painted / the / by / parents / was / my

Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.) cut / with / the / cake / the / was / knife

Test 20. We are not ideal students, are we?
Variant 1

Al. Mark the right definition for suspension. (Отметьте правильное определение слова suspension.)
1) to do extra work after school
2) to have a special card
3) to write the sentence again and again 4) to see the Head Teacher
A2. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите со¬ответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) to punish а. спорить
2) to agree b. соглашаться
3) to argue с. утверждать
4) to state d. наказывать
A3. Choose the right translation of the word combination цен¬ные вещи. (Отметьте правильный перевод словосочетания ценные вещи.)
1) valuable 3) valuables
2) value 4) valued
А4. Mark the adjective in comparative form. (Отметьте при¬лагательное в сравнительной степени.)
1) easiest 3) happily
2) the most pleasant 4) less effective
Bl. Underline the right item. (Подчеркните правильный вариант.)
1) If I (know / knew) two foreign languages, I would be
a teacher.
2) If they (don't take care / didn't take care) of animals,
they won't live on our planet.
3) She (would go / will go) to New York if she had money.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
all / schools / by / some / the / in / uniforms / are / British/worn/pupils

Test 20. We are not ideal students, are we?
Variant 2

Al. Mark the right definition for detention. (Отметьте пра¬вильное определение слова detention.)
1) to do extra work after school
2) to have a special card
3) to write the sentence again and again
4) to see the Head Teacher
A2. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите со¬ответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) safety а. ценные вещи
2) valuables b. безопасность
3) prohibition с. наказание
4) punishment d. запрет
A3. Choose the right translation of the expression сделать все возможное. (Отметьте правильный перевод выражения сделать все возможное.)
1) to do well 3) to do the best
2) to do better 4) to do good
A4. Mark the adjective in comparative form. (Отметьте при¬
лагательное в сравнительной степени.)
1) easiest 3) the most difficult
2) the most pleasant 4) harder
Bl. Underline the right item. (Подчеркните правильный вариант.)
1) If I (know / knew) two foreign languages, I will be
a teacher.
2) If we (don't take care / didn't take care) of animals,
they wouldn't live on our planet.
3) She (would go / will go) to New York if she has money.
Cl. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)
all / schools / by / some / the / in / uniforms / are / British / worn / pupils?

Test 21. How to tackle our problems?
Variant 1

Al. Match the word combination to the right translation. (Установите соответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) advertisement а. рассказ
2) article b. письмо
3) letter с. реклама
4) story d. статья
А2. Mark the right translation of the verb подсказывать. (От¬метьте правильный перевод глагола подсказывать.)
1) to provide 3) to protect
2) to prompt 4) to promise
A3. Choose the item with ones. (Выберите вариант с ones.) 1) I like these shoes. I will buy the same (ones / one).
2) This flower is more beautiful than that (ones / one).
3) She hasn't got a textbook. She should buy (ones / one).
4) Do you know Martin Harly? The (ones / one) who lives in that cottage?
A4. Mark the wrong sentence. (Отметьте неправильное
1) She expects him to come in time.
2) My parents want I to get good marks.
3) He would like them to read this book.
4) The book is worth reading.
Bl. Translate the proverb into Russian. (Переведите пословицу на русский язык.)
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Test 21. How to tackle our problems?
Variant 2

Al. Match the word combination to the right translation. (Установите соответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) invitation а. приглашение
2) article b. письмо
3) letter с. реклама
4) advertisement d. статья
А2. Mark the right translation of the verb преодолевать. (От¬метьте правильный перевод глагола преодолевать.)
1) to take 3) to tackle
2) to teach 4) to treat
A3. Choose the item with one. (Выберите вариант с one.)
1) I like this dress. I will buy the same (ones / one).
2) These birds are more beautiful than those (ones / one).
3) I don't like these shoes. Please give me those black (ones /
4) These books are more interesting than those (ones / one).
A4. Mark the wrong sentence. (Отметьте неправильное
1) She wants him to buy the car.
2) My parents wanted Tom to invite them to the party.
3) He would like them read this book.
4) They suggested going to the park.
Bl. Translate the proverb into Russian. (Переведите посло¬вицу на русский язык.)
Friendship is not bought at a fair.

Cl. Write the three most necessary rules that you should follow at school. (Напишите три самых важных правила, которые нужно соблюдать в школе.)

Cl. Write the three most necessary rules that you should follow at school. (Напишите три самых важных правила, которые нужно соблюдать в школе.)

Test 22. Sport. Healthy lifestyle
Variant 1

Al. Match the sports and the places corresponding to them. (Установите соответствие между видом спорта и местом.)
1) ice hockey a. pool
• 2) tennis b. stadium
3) swimming с mountains
4) skiing d. court
A2. Mark the right translation of the verb ценить. (Отметьте правильный перевод глагола ценить.)
1) to appeal 3) to apologize
2) to appear 4) to appreciate
A3. Choose the right item. (Выберите правильный вариант.) It was too hot. He could ... breathe.
1) hard 3) hardness
2) hardly 4) hardened
A4. Choose the right ending of the sentence. (Выберите пра¬вильное окончание предложения.) Vitamin Br..
1) helps to prevent colds.
2) makes our bones strong.
3) is responsible for the nervous system.
4) is necessary for skin and body.
Bl. Group the words into two columns. (Разделите слова на две группы.)
badly, carefully, lonely, lively, usually, friendly, lately, lovely
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
make / and / healthy / vitamins / optimistic / people / strong

Test 22. Sport. Healthy lifestyle
Variant 2

Al. Match the sports and the places corresponding to them. (Установите соответствие между видом спорта и местом.)
1) skating a. pool
2) tennis b. stadium
3) swimming с. gym
4) athletics d. court
A2. Mark the right translation of the verb отказаться. (От¬метьте правильный перевод глагола отказаться.)
1) to decide 3) to drink
2) to drop 4) to drive
A3. Choose the right item. (Выберите правильный вариант.) He appreciates ... her work.
l) high 3) highly
2) highness 4) highest
A4. Choose the right ending of the sentence. (Выберите правильное окончание предложения.)
Vitamin С...
1) helps to prevent colds.
2) makes our bones strong.
3) is responsible for the nervous system.
4) is necessary for skin and body.
Bl. Group the words into two columns. (Разделите слова на две группы.)
quickly, energetically, lonely, lively, usually, friendly, lately, lovely
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
and / stay / need / to / people / healthy / vitamins / strong

Test 23. Why do people like to compete?

Variant 1

Al. Mark the word with the sound [s]. (Отметьте слово со звуком [s].)
1) excellent 3) communicate
2) court 4) competition
A2. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите соответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) nurse а. зубной врач
2) pharmacy b. аптекарь
3) dentist с. медсестра
4) chemist d. аптека
A3. Match two columns and make word combinations. (Составьте словосочетания, соединив слова.)
1) take a. temperature
2) feel b. for a walk
3) go с a headache
4) have got d. sick
A4. Choose the right ending of the sentence. (Выберите правильное окончание предложения.) In 1894 Pierre de Coubertin...
1) formed the International Olympic Committee.
2) found an emblem of five linked rings.
3) visited England for the first time.
4) won the Olympic Games in 1972.
Bl. Underline the right item. (Подчеркните правильный вариант.)
1) Jane can speak English (bad / worst / worse) than her
2) Please speak (louder/loudest/lazily). I can't hear you.
3) This year she studies (good / well / earlier).
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
money / compete / strongly / for / Pierre de Coubertin / mustn't / that / believed / sportsmen

Test 23. Why do people like to compete?
Variant 2

Al. Mark the word with the sound [s]. (Отметьте слово
со звуком [s].)
1) carefully 3) communicate
2) since 4) compete
A2. Match the words to the right translation. (Установите соответствие между словом и его переводом.)
1) hospital а. зубной врач
2) pharmacy b. аптекарь
3) dentist с. больница
4) chemist d. аптека
A3. Match two columns and make word combinations. (Составьте словосочетания, соединив слова.)
1) make a. temperature
2)take b. fit
3) keep с a headache
4) have got d. noise
Л4. Choose the right ending of the sentence. (Выберите правильное окончание предложения.) In 1913 Pierre de Coubertin...
1) formed the International Olympic Committee.
2) found an emblem of five linked rings.
3) visited England for the first time.
4) won the Olympic Games in 1972.
Bl. Underline the right item. (Подчеркните правильный вариант.)
1) Joanne can speak English (bad / worst / worse) of all.
2) Please go (fast / more slowly / more quickly). I can't
follow you.
3) This year he studies (good / well / bad).
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
all / win / for / greatest / the / is / to / wish / sportsmen / medals

источник:Контрольно-измерительные материалы. Английский язык.
7 класc.Сост.И.В.Артюхова.-М.Б ВАКО, 2014.
Категория: ФГОС | Добавил: КутуеваДЗ (26.03.2014)
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